Sunday, July 19, 2009

We've got a walker on our hands!!!

At 13 months old, Landon has finally taken his first steps. He thinks walking is pretty funny, as evidenced by this video. We all get a kick out of him learning this new trick!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

I see London, I see France...

One of Landon's most favorite activities is to pull out all of our DVDs and videos and dump them in a pile on the floor. One night while he was doing this I noticed he was starting to lose his little pajama bottoms which made this usually annoying activity a bit more fun for me to watch...
"Hmmm, it seems to be getting a bit drafty in here"...
"This looks like a pretty good one"...

"The gangsta-look" (low-riding pants with a long shirt that barely covers the briefs underneath)...

"Whatcha lookin' at?"...
"Even with falling britches, I'm still pretty darn cute!"

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Princess Parade

Our local Chick-Fil-A sponsored a "Princess Night" a few weeks back and we decided it would be something that Abby would love. I think Abby nearly fainted from seeing all of the different girls in their princess get-ups and her smile and happiness was worth the chaos that "reigned"supreme that night!!
Our little princess all ready to go...
Each girl was greeted at the door by "Prince Charming" and they were all given a flower as they entered...

Abby and her friend Lauren in pretty-princess fashion...

"Cinderella" even made an appearance and greeted all the little girls...

Cinderella and her "Princess Possy" (this group probably represented about a fourth of all the little girls that attended this event, not to mention their parents and families!!)...

Jason and I would have to really consider ever doing something like this again (it was truly chaotic), but certainly a lot of fun to do at least once!! These girls were just all so adorable in their little get-ups, especially one special little girl named Abigail. She repeatedly talks about going back to Chick-Fil-A, but I think she may be a tad disappointed that her visit won't always include Prince Charming, Cinderella and hundreds of other little Princesses too!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Kissable little face...

Is it just me, or does anybody else get this overwhelming urge to kiss those fat little cheeks on this adorable little boy?!?!?!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Independence Day

July is just flying by for us, so before too much time passes, I wanted to post about our 4th of July activities.
The day started bright and early for us (5:30 a.m.) since we decided to participate in the "Mile-Long-Plus" yardsale that they have in Hagerstown. It's done in our neighborhood as well as all of the ones surrounding us and it is a HUGE deal around here. Basically thousands and thousands of people show up from all over (PA, WV, MD, VA, etc.) to attend each year. We were only shoppers last year since we didn't realize what a big deal it was, but this year we decided to try to get rid of some of our junk (uh, I mean "treasures") as well. We made nearly $300 in just a few hours which we were really happy about. It's a nice way to meet people, make money and clear out unwanted household items all at the same time!
Later that night we had Tasha, Jeff, Coldon and the Merrill family over for a BBQ, some outdoor games, and fun with the Wii. Afterwards we all headed down to Williamsport to watch their firework display (and do a few sparklers of our own too!)

Some of our group waiting for the fireworks to begin...

Sparkler fun...
(Abby was terrified of sparklers last year, but she managed to hold one this year without screaming in terror. I think it helped that all of the other kids were so anxious to have their turn that she figured they must be worthwile, right, right?!?!)
Having a little too much fun with fire...

We enjoyed the short but sweet firework display as well. Overall, a wonderful day and we had fun celebrating our freedom and country with great friends and family!!