We have a foot...
And the big money shot....(I think you can all probably tell what we are having without me having to actually spill the beans!!)
We are really excited to be having a little boy. It will take some getting used to after being around mostly girls my entire life, but it should be a lot of fun. And it will be really nice to have one of each, which definitely takes the pressure off of having to keep trying for the one missing gender!!
I was a little worried going into the ultrasound that everything would be okay. Everyone told me that I would start showing sooner since this was baby #2. Not only am I not showing sooner, I'm hardly showing at all (even my doctor seemed a bit surprised at how small I still was for being almost 5 months pregnant.) I haven't gained any weight and am still wearing all of my normal clothes, so needless to say, I was a little worried that the baby wasn't growing right. After the ultrasound though, my worries were greatly relieved. In fact, the baby is measuring 10 days ahead of my actual due date which puts us at an unofficial due date of May 21 (Jason's birthday.) Jason was pretty excited about that, but I still have a feeling this baby will be like his big sister and make us wait a while for his grand entrance.
After seeing such a healthy (and extremely active) little baby in there, we are even more excited about welcoming him into our family. We're halfway there!!!
Awesome! Yay for boys! I'm so excited for you and glad to hear the news.
That is so exciting. He and Graham will only be about 6 months apart, so they can play together. (You know, in a few years when they are old enough to play.)
Yeah!!! I was just wondering when you were going to find out. Perfect little family. That is soooo exciting! And hold up, you haven't gained any weight?!?! I think I gained most of my weight by 5 months.:) And wearing your regular clothes. That's crazy. Especially since you're skinnier than ever. What the heck! I'm just jealous I guess. I'm so glad he's healthy and that everything is going so well! Congratulations.
Congratulations! A boy! That's exciting. I TOTALLY hear you about being relieved from the pressure of continually trying for the missing gender. That's a great plus! Lucky you--not having gained any weight!! I'm glad all is well and the little one is healthy.
I love having boys. I kind of what a boy on the next one just because I know how to deal with boys and I have heard changes diapers is easier on boys. However, I would want a girl to have the one of each. I wish I would still be in my regular clothes at 5 months but I don't think that is going to happen. It is so good to hear everything looks good.
That is really exciting; congratulations! I am sure Jason is also excited about having a boy. I think that is funny you were really concerned about the baby's health. Remember, you did not train for and run a marathon when you were pregnant with Abby. And, eacn pregnancy is different. Plus, you are in great shape so you shouldn't show that early. With my first pregnancy I did not start showing until 7 months and never had to wear maternity pants. I have a feeling I won't be so lucky with this child, but am still in regular clothes as of 24 weeks into the pregnancy and hope to remain that way for awhile. You are probably just having a great pregnancy due to your health. Don't worry, just enjoy it! Plus, you are still going to the gym regularly so you have not gained any extra weight from just sitting around. If we were all as disciplined and healthy as you we would be much happier with the prospect of being pregnant. You are our idol! I am really excited for you and Jason and glad you emailed me because I almost forgot your ultrasound was yesterday!
How exciting! Any ideas for names?
Congrats!!! that's so exciting. I understand that it takes a little getting used to, huh? When we found out Blake was a boy I almost didn't believe it--I was just in such a girl mentality. I would go shopping for him and still end up in the girl's section. Oh, but what fun little boys are!!! I'm so excited for you.
that is so exciting that you guys will have one of each! he looks like such a happy little guy. :) congrats.
Congrats! Boys are great. :-) Ha ha, I'm not even preggers and I think I'M showing, so that's really not fair that you're not at 5 months...
Hey, check out our new blog- jesseandlauren.blogspot.com It has pics and stuff, so you could see my little ones.
Where'd you go? And how was your birthday?
Dadra-Just found your blog off of Steph's! It was fun to see how you guys are doing and to see Abby. Congrats on the new one on the way! :)
Robyn Power
we are so excited to hear the news about the baby boy congrats (that's how our pattern went -girl boy we loved it!) fun stuff
aunt Lynda (PS) thanks for adding us as a link I was flattered..I update everynow and again --so keep checking in our us and on kids
who are links on ours..(:
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