Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Last 18 Months or so...

18 months ago, I looked like this...
9 months later, I looked like this...
And 9 months after that, I look like this...
I am not one of those lucky ones who instantly drops off all the weight after pregnancy. I gained just under 30 pounds with Nolan and while the first 20 came off pretty easilty, the last 10 were a challenge. I seemed to gain and lose the same 2-3 pounds from September to December. (My body tends to want to keep some of that fat store around for nursing purposes too.) Then in January I got serious, joined and changed up my workout routine. Over the last three months I have lost 15 pounds, putting me at 5 pounds below my pre-pregnancy weight at 9 months post-partum. It wasn't easy, but I feel great and I am excited about my progress. I told Jason that my ultimate goal wan't a number so much as a feeling. I would REALLY like to feel comrfortable in a swimsuit this summer. I can't remember the last time I felt comfortable in one (definitely pre-puberty!!) and I'm not sure if it is even possible, but I'm sure gonna try. I'm certainly not expecting perfection, just comfort in my own skin while wearing a simple one-piece swimsuit. How about you ladies out there...have you ever felt really confident about rocking a swimsuit pre or post-baby?


Melissa said...

Way to go Dadra, you look amazing! I have always felt pretty good in a swimsuit before I had kids. Since having children I have not ever found one that gives me enough 'support' to feel comfortable (if you know what I mean. :) But I agree with you that 'feeling' great after having a baby means a lot more than any certain number on the scale, or size of clothes etc. Thanks for your inspiration. :)

Rachel B. said...

That's awesome, Dadra! You are one self-disciplined little chica. It has definitely been harder to get the weight off this go around for me. I've never been a skinny girl, but after Claire and Reese, I didn't really have to do much to get back to MY comfortable weight. It's a different story now though. I still have a good 10 lbs. that is hanging around...I could use a bit of your determination! And as far as a bathing suit goes....I don't think I was even comfortable in high school. One, they NEVER make them to fit the boob area right. And two, I've always wanted to wear shorts to hide my thighs. I think more than anything, I need to work on not being so self-conscious. Anyway, way to go! I wish you were here to be my trainer!

Marissa Marie said...

You look awesome! I hope to look (and feel) as good in in 5 months! I hate wearing a swimsuit too, have felt self conscious about it since I was probably 13...but then I look at some of these super cute modest swimsuits and wonder if I spent a small fortune would I like wearing a swimsuit better? Hmm...probably not.

Steph Thomas said...

HOLY COW!!! I am super impressed. I lost a bunch of weight and am slowly (or too quickly actually) putting it back on. Working out used to be a priority and I would wake up early to go do it. Now, I would rather sleep in. I have gained 25 from my lowest, 20 from where I would like to be but I know it is all mental. When I lost all the weight the first time, I had to give up sweets and I am not as dedicated this time to sacrifice that, because I don't have the 60+ lbs to lose just the 20. As far as the swimming suit issue goes, no I haven't really felt great in a swimsuit, I think it is because I have big thighs and a small chest, or as my mom calls it, I have a pear shape. I would like to fit into my clothes again but my mind isn't quite there. Seeing these pictures though make me want to do it more. Thanks.