Friday, April 1, 2016

Easter 2016

Trying to take Easter pictures and get to church by 9 a.m. was a little tricky, but somehow we made it work. 

Maylie was much more interested in the outdoors than she was in getting her picture taken.

Look over there...

No, down here...

That grass is sure pretty...

Aren't I so silly?!?!

Nolan was pretty excited about his new bow tie and was quite the ham for the camera...

Landon however was not impressed with the whole affair.

This is how he felt about the whole bow tie thing...

"I am smiling, Mom!"

At least I can always count on Abby to be a good model for me!

The girls...

The boys...

They were bumping bottoms in these pictures, hence the more natural smiles!

The whole Easter crew together!

Some more happy about it than others...

Happy Easter!!!

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