And a few interesting tidbits about me that I stole from a friend's blog...
Two names you go by:
1. Dade (only Jason and my sister Tasha call me this)
2. Mommy (only Abby calls me this so far:)
Two things you are wearing right now:
1. Khakis
2. Yellow shirt
Two of your favorite things to do:
1. Workout
2. Laugh with Jason & Abby
Two things you want very badly at the moment:
1. Ice cream
2. Spring
Two favorite pets you have had/have
1. Dog, Buffie
2. Dog, Gizmo (I've had many pets, but these were definitely my two favorite)
Two things you did last night
1. Watched "Lamb of God" (Abby loves any book/movie about "Jesus" and was compeltely enthralled my this movie and was very disappointed when it was over)
2. Slept
Two things you ate today
1. Cheerios
2. PB&J sandwich
Two people you last talked to:
1. Abby
2. Several women from playgroup this morning (can't remember who the last one was)
Two things you're doing tomorrow:
1. Going to the gym
2. My last monthly doctor's appointment (can't believe I'm already going to every 2-week appointments)
Two longest car rides:
1. Utah to Texas (Texas is HUGE)
2. Texas to Maryland (Texas wasn't so huge this time since we were traveling East)
Two favorite holidays:
1. Christmas
2. 4th of July (I know my friend Rachel wouldn't agree, but it just reminds me of summer which I LOVE)
Two favorite beverages:
1. Water
2. Fresca
Is the ice cream a pregnancy craving? I love those pics of Abby. Great outfit.
I love this post! And might I also add that your pregnancy pictures below are only mildly depressing since I look more pregnant that you do right now!!! Seriously! You look so amazing and do not even look pregnant at all. I'm going to go diet and run now...
Your pregnancy pictures really are not bad at all, but I understand how you feel knowing that your body looks different. Abby is adorable as always and it was fun to see more pictures of her. I was supposed to start two week doctors appointments, but had to cancel my appointment due to the state tournament so it will be a span of two months before I see the doctor since my last visit with only a month to go after that. I am glad my doctor is not concerned about the pregnancy. With Katie I only had one two week appointment and never had one week appointments. Crazy! I am not a big fan of the ten minute appointments so often, but hope you have fun with yours.
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