Thursday, April 4, 2013

Easter Week -- Day 6

On Friday night we watched the most difficult scenes of "The Lamb of God." Watching the portrayal of Christ's crucifixion is so hard to watch and Abby had to close her eyes several times while watching it. We are so grateful that he was willing to endure such agony for the benefit of us all. Our activity that evening was to dye our Easter eggs, being sure to dye the very first one a deep red color in order to remember and honor the blood of Christ that was shed for us on Good Friday.
Nolan did not want to let go of the one egg we gave him...
But Abby and Landon thoroughly enjoyed dying their Easter eggs a myriad of colors...
I didn't quite trust this little booger with the dye so he had to just watch all of the festivities from a safe distance!
Our finished product!
(I LOVE Nolan's face in this one!! Don't you just want to squeeze him?)

1 comment:

Steph Thomas said...

Landon is looking so grown up. I remember when the Atkinson's were in the Bryan first ward and Ella was about the same age as Nolan. They gave her a egg and glass of water. She put it in there and just stirred it around the whole time.
I wouldn't trust my little one with it either. In fact the very first egg Allison put in the yellow she spilled it. I was not happy but thankfully her leg isn't yellow anymore and it is a good thing that we didn't have carpet under our table anymore.