Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Well, we definitely have a little roller on our hands these days. Maylie rolled over for the first time right at 3 months and has really mastered the skill over the last few weeks. I will now set her down somewhere and come back to find her in a completely different place. She can roll from tummy to back and also from back to tummy and thinks she is pretty hot stuff doing it!!

Look Mom, I'm flying!!

She is at such a fun stage right now. I don't LOVE the newborn phase, but after about 3 months I really start to enjoy watching their little personalities start to shine through. I keep telling her to slow down though because this girl is getting too big way too fast. Sure do love our little Maylie Magoo!!

1 comment:

Steph Thomas said...

She is so cute. You can tell she is a Call baby. Looks just like your other kids.
Can't wait for my baby!!!!