Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Harry Potter Birthday

Our local bookstore held a little party to celebrate Harry Potter's birthday on Saturday, July 29th. They had a sorting hat, some games, wands, and HP trivia.

Landon and Abby have reread all of the Harry Potter books this summer so they were rocking the trivia game!

Forget Harry Potter though. This little girl was quite entertained just with the shopping basket!

Two days later on Harry Potter's actual birthday (July 31st), we held a little impromptu birthday party complete with snacks and watching the first Harry Potter movie together. 

Our snacks included "Fish from the Lake" (Goldfish), Firebolts (pretzel rods stuck in Rice Krispie Treats), Snitches (yellow candies), and Gringotts Gold (Rolos).

We also had gummie frogs instead of Chocolate Frogs but Landon still made some Wizard Cards to go with them. Butterbeer (cream soda) rounded off our spread!

We ended up having four friends to come celebrate the big event with us. Not bad for a last minute party!

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