Wednesday, September 19, 2018

New Ride

We have really enjoyed our 2006 Honda Odyssey that we bought from some friends a little over 6 years ago. It has taken us across the country numerous times and we've made lots of special memories on different family trips that we have taken with it. Overall, it had very little maintenance issues and was very reliable, but with over 180,000 miles, we knew it wouldn't last forever. It started having a few issues this summer and then when quite a bit more work was needed on it at the beginning of September (3x more work than the car was even worth!!) we decided it was time to start looking for  another car. Since we had such great luck with our last Odyssey, we decided to stick with the same car and purchased a brand-new 2018 Honda Odyssey Touring last Saturday. We picked it up and took it home on Wednesday, September 18th and we are all loving it!!

It is amazing how much the safety and auto technology has changed and improved in the last 12 years. Every day that I drive it, I am finding out even more great features that our new car has and fall even more in love with it. We hope to have many more family adventures together in this car and can only hope that it is as good and reliable as our last Odyssey!

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