Monday, March 4, 2019

Hudson's Baby Blessing

It was finally time for Hudson's baby blessing on Sunday, March 3rd, 2019. To be honest it was a bittersweet day for me. I was sad that my parents weren't able to physically be at his blessing. They had been at each of my other children's blessings and I really felt their absence on Hudson's special day. However, we were blessed to have Jason's parents and my sisters Tami, Lara, and Tasha and their families join us for this special occasion. And I'm sure my parents were there in spirit for their littlest grandchild's special moment!

He definitely looked handsome in his little blessing outfit!

I took those three little buttons up near his collar from my Dad's white church shirt and sewed them onto Hudson's outfit. I wanted to have a piece of my Dad present in the circle during his blessing.

The kids were all so excited to share this special day with their little brother!

All those who came to Hudson's was quit the group!!

I was so thankful to have my three sisters there for this special day! 

Those who were in the blessing circle...Darrell Call (Grandpa), Jason Call (Dad), and Brian Neal (Friend). 

Oldest and youngest grandchild...Chloe (21) and Hudson (3 months)!

Blessing of Hudson David Call
(March 3, 2019   Hagerstown Ward given by Bishop Jason Darrell Call, Father.  Others in the circle were Darrell Call, grandfather, and Brian Neal, 2nd counselor in the bishopric.)
Our Father in Heaven, in the name of Jesus Christ and by the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood, we take this infant in our arms to give him a name and a blessing. And the name which he shall be known upon the records of the church is Hudson David Call. And Hudson at this time we give you a blessing that you might have a healthy body that will allow you to serve your Father in Heaven and your brothers and sisters while you are here on the earth. We bless you with an understanding of the gospel and the desire to follow the teachings of your Savior. We bless you that as you strive to be obedient to those things that your parents and church leaders will invite you to do, that you will receive an outpouring of the gift of the Holy Ghost and you will recognize the truthfulness of the gospel and of your Savior’s love for you. We bless you with the ability to reach out and help those who are hurting and have individual pains and that through your talents you might be able to witness your Savior’s healing power helping them heal their wounds and return to activity in the church. We bless you with the Gift of Charity, a testimony that you are a child of God and loved by your Father in Heaven and these things we bless you with in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

 ( A side note is that Dadra, Hudson’s mother added three little white buttons, from Grandpa Don Cleveland’s white shirt, to Hudson’s blessing outfit. This was done in memory of him)

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