Monday, September 9, 2019

A New Beginning...

A very big change happened this week in our house. Jason had his last day with Citi on Monday, September 9th. He has worked there for the last 12+ years, ever since we moved here to Hagerstown. His co-workers were all shocked when he gave them the news that he would be leaving but Jason was ready for a change. He is now onto a new adventure in a completely different field and is excited as well as a bit nervous. 

Here he is heading off to work on his last day as a Citi employee...

He is now the Chief Operating Officer for Keller Stonebraker, a regional insurance company in the area. It is a pretty big change from corporate America, but he is excited about working for a smaller, local company. His office is about 10 minutes away from our house so we are grateful that he was able to find a great job that will allow us to stay in the area. Here's to a fresh start!!

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