Saturday, November 2, 2019

Trick-or-Treat...a day late!

October 31st was actually kind of a bust in Maryland this year. It was pouring rain and we were under a tornado watch so the weather was pretty terrible. Fortunately the city of Hagerstown postponed Trick-or-Treating until the next night so the kids didn't miss out on anything. Plus doing it on November 1st meant we were out on a Friday night, which is way better in my opinion since we didn't have to worry about school the next day!

This year we had an astronaut...

A Troll Hunter...

A unicorn...

A pirate...

And baby shark!!

Oh we also had Daddy Shark and Mommy Shark too!

The kids all ready to hit up our neighbors for some candy!!

My sister and her family were able to join us again this year. Everyone was in costume and no one was crying during the pictures this year which may have been a first!

They ended up with full bags of candy and many full-sized candy bars which they were thrilled about. Hudson had to be taken home a little early as he was not a fan of walking around in the cold and basically thought it was the dumbest holiday ever! I'm sure he will be singing a different tune once he can actually eat some candy!

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