Saturday, May 2, 2020


This was supposed to be a big weekend for our family. Tonight should have been opening night for WHMS's production of "Moana" where Landon would be singing and dancing in the ensemble and Abby was to be playing the lead role. It is something that Abby had worked long and hard for and was she was so excited for her final middle school musical. It was supposed to be a weekend full of family who were planning on flying and driving in for this occasion and we were all so excited to watch these talented kids performing to a sold-out crowd. Just like so many other things these last few months however, Covid-19 has changed those plans. Several people have reached out to Abby with cards and little gifts and as we opened them this morning, we cried together and mourned those things that should be happening for her and so many others during this crazy time. While we are all a little sad today, we won't wallow in our disappointment for long. Just like the necklace from her Aunt Tasha says, this experience is teaching Abby about resilience and will leave her with the knowledge that even when things don't work out how they should, there is still much to be hopeful about. This talented girl has a bright future in front of her and I can't wait to see all that she will accomplish! Covid-19 might be taking a lot of things away from us, but the love and pride that I have for this girl will never be shaken. She will always be my Moana!

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