Saturday, February 13, 2021


On February 13th we made the difficult decision to put our dog Maya to sleep. She has been such a good dog for our family for so many years but was getting really irritable and it was becoming more and more difficult for her to move around. I was starting to worry about her snapping at the kids again and she would get very upset towards Cooper over anything. I had a very strong impression in the middle of the night that the time had come. 

At 17 years of age, we are so grateful for the good, long life that our dog Maya lived, but goodbyes are still so terribly hard. So we aren't saying goodbye, but rather "see you on the other side" to our sweet furry friend! Our neighbor, MarKey Mayne, came over to our house to take some pictures for us that morning to remember her by!

We said our goodbyes with most of the family before leaving the house for the vet's office. Abby and I went to the vet to have the procedure done and it was honestly one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. We were both sobbing during the entire process and continued to cry for days afterwards. I kept hoping we had made the right decision and eventually felt peace about it. But goodbyes are just so hard!

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