Monday, February 21, 2022

Abby's 16th Birthday!!

Somehow this sweet girl of our is now 16 years old!! Her birthday was on a Sunday so it was a pretty low-key day but I still think it was a good one for her. After church we opened up presents and then that evening we had the McClellans, Howells and Gunthers all over for games and treats. 

Blowing out all 16 candles!!

The next day was President's Day and a day off from work and school. She chose to go ice skating as her birthday activity. Our whole family was able to go as well as her special "friend" Joey.

This was Hudson's first time. He lasted about 30 minutes and then was content with hanging out with me the rest of the time!

After ice skating we played for a bit at Fairground Park and then had a fun birthday dinner at J's Diner. It was a fun way to extend Abby's birthday celebration!

Abby is such joy to have in our home. She is a great student, very responsible, extraordinarily talented and loves the gospel and her Savior Jesus Christ. She sets such an amazing example to all of us and we hope she has an incredible year ahead. Happy Birthday Abby!!


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