Tuesday, January 25, 2011

18 Weeks

16 weeks...

Today at 18 weeks...

I'm definitely starting to get a definitive "pooch" and my pants continue to get tighter and tighter. I've actually been wearing my "Bella Band" a bit more these days since it's far more comfortable than trying to button my jeans. I'm starting to feel the baby move more and I've actually started to get Braxton Hicks contractions already, but fortunately they aren't painful at all. We have the BIG ultrasound two weeks from today, although we are hoping to keep the baby's gender a surprise this time around. We have everything we need for both genders now so we thought a surprise in the delivery room would be fun. We'll see if the baby keeps things hidden for us though. Landon was VERY obvious last time around!!


Stephanie said...

How fun. I would love to keep the gender a secret, but would want one of each first because I like being prepared - so that may never happen!

Marissa Marie said...

Okay, my new goal, to get my belly to be as flat as Dadra's at 18 weeks pregnant. When I'm not pregnant I mean. :)

Rachel B. said...

Oh Dadra-Shmadra, I am so baffled that our babies are only 3 weeks apart. Where is yours fitting?!?! Like I said, I'm glad I don't live by you because I would be feeling like a big cow!