Thursday, April 4, 2013

Easter Week -- Day 5

On Thursday we watched the movie "The Prince of Egypt" in order to help the kids better understand what the Passover is all about (it was the start of Spring Break so we had a perfect opportunity to do this during Nolan's naptime, saving us from some of his distractions!) Then that evening we ate some Matzo crackers (unleavened bread) to help remember the miracle of the passover for our Easter week activity.
We also watched a short segment from "The Lamb of God" movie that depicted the last supper, the suffering of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, and Christ being betrayed by Judas and arrested by the high priests in Jerusalem.
I hope the kids are learning a lot about Christ and the whole reason behind why we celebrate Easter through these activities. I know that my own testimony of the Savior has been greatly strengthened as I have prepared for each one of these teaching moments and I have thoroughly enjoyed this Easter season because of it.

1 comment:

Steph Thomas said...

I need to send my kids to your house. We didn't do much of the Easter things other then tell them why we really celebrate Easter. You are awesome!