Tuesday, May 22, 2018

So we're having a....


We are very excited to announce that our family is growing!! Baby #5 coming this November!!

8 week ultrasound...

13 week ultrasound...

Me at 12 weeks...

The first trimester was ROUGH. I was sick almost all day everyday. Never in the mornings so I was still able to exercise every day, but evenings were terrible. I finally started taking Diclegis at week 7 which helped with the nausea a bit but the month of April was definitely rocky. I am now just over 13 weeks with a little baby bump and feeling much better, with only occasional nausea rather than the constant sickness from weeks 6-12. As I am of "advanced maternal age" (38) I have more tests and ultrasounds which so far have all come back clear and the baby looks great so far. We had a blood test yesterday that will check for possible chromosomal abnormalities and will also tell us the baby's gender. We should find out those results in the next week or so which is exciting. With two boys and two girls already, this baby will be the tiebreaker!!

The kids and Jason are beyond excited about this little one. It admittedly took me a little while to get on board with having another baby, especially since being pregnant is hard and natural delivery is very painful for me. But I had a wonderful spiritual experience in the temple last October that helped me realize another little one was meant to come into our family. So right around Thanksgiving we will have an extra special blessing enter into our lives and hearts this year!!

1 comment:

Steph Thomas said...

We will also have another one in November!!!
Congratulations to you guys!! So fun!