Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The end of 2019!

We started this tradition a couple of years ago and I really do love it. Each year we place a mason jar on our windowsill and fill it up with slips of paper with the highlights of the year written on each one. Things like concerts, awards, trips, family visits, etc., all go inside the jar. Then on New Year's Eve we empty out the jar and read all the slips of paper inside to remind us of what a great year it has been. This year we also included some funny things that the kids said or did during the year and we all really enjoyed reading those!!

We often get together with friends on New Year's Eve, but this year it was just our family at home. We had appetizers/finger foods for dinner which was fun, played some fun games together as a family, and then all of us except Jason fell asleep before midnight!! Oh's to a great 2020!!

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