Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas Eve

We spent part of Christmas week making and putting together these goodie boxes and delivered them to friends and neighbors on "Christmas Adam"...the day before Christmas Eve!

On Christmas Eve morning we went and saw "The Polar Express" at Warehouse Cinemas near our home. We even got to get our tickets punched by the "conductor!"

That afternoon we spent some time making our gingerbread houses. These were actually Oreo flavored houses and tasted much better than gingerbread in my opinion!

They all turned out pretty great!

That evening it was time for new Christmas pajamas!!

Even Cooper got some new pajamas this year. He wasn't terribly thrilled by them by we sure got a kick out of them!

We finished the most magical night of the year with reading and acting out the Christmas story, eating some yummy treats, and watching a Christmas movie before heading to bed that night!


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