Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas Eve Outtakes

I usually weed through the thousands of terrible pictures we take and only post those that are somewhat presentable for this blog. This Christmas Eve however, we took some classic pictures that just need to be included in their own little "blooper" post. Hope you enjoy!!!

An example of the "sibling-love" we often seen displayed around here...a simple hug around the neck, turns into a choke hold which results in lots of squirming and whining from all sides!

"Mary" being a bit seductive to the camera person...

Our "runaway" Joseph in action (he would keep his little costume on for approximately 2.2 seconds before either running around like a madman or tearing it off his head. It was amazing that we even got one halfway decent photo!!)

Like "Mary" in a previous post, Landon became a bit provocative too, showing off his 6-pack abs to the audience. (As you can tell, our dog Maya was quite impressed!!)

This is a cute picture of Abby. You can see the excitement as she opened her brand new princess pajamas. Landon on the other hand...

So there you have it! Thank goodness for digital cameras that let me delete about 90% of the pictures that I take on a regular basis! Hold onto your seats ladies and gentlemen, Christmas morning pictures to follow shortly...


Amy said...

Love the pictures and your commentary on them!!!

Rachel B. said...

I love the bloopers, especially the choke hold! And yes, thank goodness for digital cameras!!!!! I also love your Christmas Eve traditions. We're staying put next year and are excited to start our own family traditions. I'm really liking your ideas.