Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring is here...Maybe?!?!?

We have officially entered spring now, but we're never quite sure what the weather will be like each day. It can be warm and sunny one day and stormy and cold the next. We've tried to take advantage of those nice days by playing outside as much as possible. Abby and Landon both love playing in the backyard and it's fun to watch them use their imagination with our little fort and swing-set.

Abby has gotten really good at using her own "pumping abilities" to get her swing going pretty high!!

Winter is definitely my least favorite season, but I'll take it so that I can thoroughly enjoy Spring, Summer and Fall!!

1 comment:

Marisa said...

I couldn't agree more about winter. When I read it at first I thought you said it was your favorite season and I couldn't believe that. So I had to reread it and realized that you weren't crazy after all :). Your kiddos are getting so big. How are you feeling??? Getting ready for #3?