Tuesday, July 23, 2013

New York -- Day 1

My parent's Christmas gift from their children this last year was a trip out East which was to include the Outer Banks, Gettysburg, and a visit to Palmyra. We were able to experience the last portion of their gift as we headed up to western New York on Friday, July 12th. 

We stayed at a nice little Bed & Breakfast place about 15 minutes from Palmyra. This home was built in the early 1800's so it was interesting to think that perhaps Joseph Smith had passed this building himself while he lived in the area.

We had a few hours to kill before heading to the Hill Cumorah pageant that night so the kids found a fun way to entertain themselves on the tire swing outside the Inn.


We got to the pageant with plenty of time to spare. We ate dinner there (a pretty yummy meal provided by the local Ruritan groups) and then enjoyed the beautiful and overcast evening while we waited for the show to begin.

 It was fun to meet with and talk to several of the cast members. It was interesting to hear about their experiences and made me want to be able to do something like this with our own little family someday.

We even ran into the daughter of one of the families we knew while we lived in College Station, Texas. Small world!!

Abby enjoyed getting her picture with "Joseph Smith."

The stage was magnificent and to have it sit right up on the Hill Cumorah made it even more special to all of us.

We enjoyed a beautiful sunset right before the show began.

It was an amazing production and so moving to watch the different events from the Book of Mormon be played out in the exact place where the gold plates were unearthed so many years ago. Even though it was a late night for all the kids, they seemed to sense what a great experience we were having and Landon was full of questions the entire night.

I am so grateful to have been able to experience this with not only our little family but my parents as well. It truly strengthened my testimony and faith in the restoration.


Stephanie said...

Wow! What a beautiful view of the stage! And, what an amazing Christmas present to your parents. I'm glad you got to meet them there. It sounds wonderful.

Steph Thomas said...

I remember seeing Robert Jensen preparing for it last year and growing out his beard. This year it looked like Robert, Shawn and Kelsey were all in the show. I want to go next year.