Sunday, August 3, 2014

Call Family Idaho Reunion

We spent the first week of summer break in Idaho for the Call family reunion. We spent a few days in Idaho Falls at Jason's sister's house and got to see two new babies be blessed. The next day we headed north to Island Park and Yellowstone. Unfortunately the weather was pretty terrible the entire time we were there. It hailed, rained, and even snowed on us every day and we even endured a mini blizzard while we were watching Old Faithful erupt. Despite the crazy and cold weather, we still managed to have a good time!!

Abby and Landon had a great time with all of their Call cousins (there are actually 14 of them now, ranging in age from 6 weeks to 9 years...our little addition in September will make #15!)

Here is the whole clan...we were just missing one of Jason's sisters who had to stay back in Texas for school.

The weather finally stated to clear the day we left Island Park so we were able to enjoy a pretty nice day at the lake before we left Idaho. Unfortunately we forgot to bring our camera so these group pictures are all we have. (Notice all the winter coats being worn in the middle of June?!?!? It was soooooo cold!!)


Steph Thomas said...

That is ridiculous that it snowed in SUMMER!!! So sorry it wasn't warmer for you. Glad you guys got to go though. That is quite the journey for you.

Rachel B. said...

We had the same situation just last week in Bear Lake. No snow, but rainy and cold every day except for the last. :/ Luckily family's fun to be with no matter the weather. Glad you had a good time!