Saturday, February 23, 2019

2019 Infusion Concert

Abby had been putting in some long rehearsal hours in order to prepare for their school-wide infusion concert on Friday, February 22nd. Tickets went on sale in mid-January for this show and sold out in less than 48 hours!! The theme for this year was "The Greatest Show on Earth" and it was amazing!!

Abby had her own little skit along with her friends Savannah and Montana. They wrote the script for it and Abby even wrote a song along with the music for it!! 

There was so much incredible talent on display that night and I was blown away by how well they all did. It was unbelievable that these are only middle-schoolers!!

Abby was so happy with all of her performances throughout the night. We got to see her act, sing and dance and we loved every second of it. At the end of the concert Landon declared "That was AWESOME!!" which is a pretty big compliment coming from your often bored younger brother!

Ava and Abby...

Now that she has her own cell phone, Abby was sure to snap lots of selfies with her friends!

Some friends from Elementary school even came to support her like Parker and her mom!

Savannah, Makenna and Abby...

Sydney, Abby, Ava and Savannah...

Abby and Ellie

Ava, Abby, Ellie and Savannah

Abby has had such an amazing experience at this middle school so far and we have been so impressed with the many artistic abilities that these students demonstrate!

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