Thursday, February 28, 2019

3 Months!!

Technically Hudson would turn 3 months old on February 30th but since that date doesn't exist, we decided to mark the occasion on the last day of February. These pictures describe Hudson's personality very well. As long as he is fed and rested, he is a very enjoyable little guy. He is now eating about every 2.5-3 hours which is much more manageable for me. He sure loves his milk!! Not sure of his measurements right now but he is still pretty long and lean. His sleep is going okay. Most nights he will go a longer stretch at the beginning and then wake up every 2-3 hours after that. Hoping we can get down to just one nighttime feeding here soon. He is fascinated by his hands and loves to stare at them, eat them, and has just started using them to bat at toys above him on his play mat. Overall he is healthy, happy, and oh so loved!!

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