Saturday, February 16, 2019

Pinewood Derby

With Jason on paternity leave, he was able to spend a lot of time helping these three kids come up with some pretty amazing looking Pinewood Derby cars. Only Landon's car could officially compete but Nolan and Maylie still enjoyed the process of designing and making their own car! Our first derby was snowed out so it was rescheduled for two weeks later and by then we were more than ready to race!!

It was a fun evening, but unfortunately Landon's car was too low and kept skidding on the track. It didn't place very well and he was pretty disappointed about it, especially since his car last year earned 2nd place and a trophy. We talked to him a lot about being a good sport and still being excited for those boys whose cars were doing well that night. It was a tough learning experience for him!

All the boys got a nice certificate based on their car's theme and some treats at the end which helped to ease the blow a bit!

Our very last official Pinewood Derby as we will no longer be doing Cub Scouts next year.

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