Thursday, May 30, 2019

Half Birthday!

Our little Hudson man officially turned 6 months old on Thursday, May 30th! We can't believe how fast this time has flown by. Here he is looking pretty excited about his half-birthday!!

He started on solid foods over the last two weeks and LOVES to eat. So far he likes everything that we have mixed in with his baby oatmeal including bananas, apples, pears, peaches, green beans, squash, and sweet potatoes. He is a really good eater and hopefully will put on a little more weight with the start of solid foods in his diet. At his 6-month check-up we found out he is still long and lean (85th percentile for height, 15th percentile for weight!) He gives us the best grins, loves jumping in his jumperoo, can sit for short periods of time and is napping a little better in his crib in the afernoon. He is sleeping pretty well at night, giving us a 6-7 hour stretch before waking up just to eat and going back to bed until around 8-9 a.m. He is still in the pack n' play in our bedroom and probably will be for a while since we have several trips coming up so kind of pointless to transition him out right now. He loves to be held, enjoys being the center of attention, and is generally a really good and easy baby. He goes with the flow on most things which I guess he kind of has to being the youngest of 5 kids. We sure do love this little Hudson boy!

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