Sunday, December 1, 2019

1 Year Old!!

We drove back to Maryland early Sunday morning and attended church in our home ward. After naptime, we attempted to get some one year shots but he was moving like a crazy animal so every shot was quite blurry. This is the best one we got!

Eventually we just stuck the sticker on his back since he kept trying to rip it off when it was on his chest!

Then it was time to open up presents from his family!!

Oh how we love this sweet little boy!! He make us laugh every single day while also making us pull our hair out with all of his shenanigans and mess-making skills. He has taken a few steps now on his own but still prefers his mad crawling abilities to get himself into EVERYTHING! Still no teeth but that doesn't stop him from eating everything in sight! Now that he can go up and down the stairs, nothing is safe from this crazy munchkin. So grateful for this last year that we've been able to enjoy this cutie-patootie!

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