Saturday, May 11, 2013

More Spring Work

Along with the backyard transformation, we also ordered 6 cubic yards of mulch to redo all of the landscape areas around our house. (Let me tell you that was one huge mountain of mulch in our driveway for a while!!)
We (and by "we" I really mean "I") mulched all of our plant beds as well as the line of  evergreen trees that line our backyard. Amazing what new mulch can add to the look of a yard!!
We also found a clearance set of stones at a local nursery that we used to add in a little pathway in one of our mulch beds (eventually this will lead to a landscape bench but we haven't quite found one we like yet...)
We then used the remainder of the stones to border the corner mulch bed and planted a new Japanese maple tree.)
 After all that mulching, we had a bit leftover so I dug out some more sod around the mailbox and added some plants to create a nice landscape area around there too.
I think the back and front yards are now completely done. Not it's time for a long nap to rest from all that work (hmmmmm...maybe we should get that hammock I was eyeing after all!!!)


Steph Thomas said...

Looks great. I love how you say, we and I mean I. That is us too. I love all of your ideas.

Stephanie said...

It all looks fabulous!! And, I think you deserve that hammock!