Friday, June 7, 2013

Party on the Farm

Landon had been looking forward to his birthday party for quite some time. It was to be his very first "friend" birthday party and he had been counting down the days for weeks. He carefully picked each boy he would invite (plus a few sisters who came along!) and was so excited when we delivered/mailed each invitation. Finally Saturday, June 1st arrived and we were ready to party!!
Nolan wore his shades for the special occasion!
We held it at Misty Meadows, a dairy farm and creamery that sells the BEST ice cream ever. They took all the kids around on a hay ride and showed them how the dairy operates...
Then they had a lot of fun activities for the kids to enjoy including a tractor playground, a petting zoo, a corn table, some riding toys and a water pump duck racing thingy (that's the technical name for it in case you were wondering.)
There were also some carnival-type games like a bean bag toss and milk bottle throwing game.
We also supplied a piñata for all the little "superheroes" to get a crack at. Each boy got a turn to hit it (we had to patch it up with tape a few times in order for it to make it through everyone) and then Landon got one more swing at it and busted it wide open.
Landon showing off his piñata loot...
 Then it was time for some yummy cupcakes...
Some of the guests really got into the cupcake part (he kept trying to pilfer them the whole day and was so excited to finally be given the green light to dive in!)
And dive in he did!
He didn't seem to be bothered by the frosting up his nose!
Then it was time to head into the creamery for our long-awaited treat...
Ice cream sundaes (everyone got to pick out their favorite ice cream and topping!)
It was a pretty low-key birthday party but I think all the kids had a good time. Having 12 little boys over at our home would have caused my hair to fall out, but the farm was a perfect place to be able to run around without causing too much chaos.
Landon received so many nice presents from his friends and spent the rest of the day playing with all of his new little gadgets!

1 comment:

Steph Thomas said...

Loving all of the posts. What a fun birthday party and yes it does seem very low-key. What a great idea and it looks like everyone had a great time and it was somewhat of a family event. How awesome.