Wednesday, September 4, 2013

First Day of Second Grade!

Abby's big first day of second grade arrived on Wednesday, August 21st. Although a little sad to see summer go, she was also very excited about seeing all of her friends again and getting to know her teacher, Ms. Townsend a bit better. Abby was the SGA representative from her classroom last year so she had worked with Ms. Townsend there.

She was up bright and early that morning...
Unfortunately Jason nor I had thought to bring our IDs with us so we weren't able to take her into her actual classroom. This made Abby start to cry which of course turned on the water works for me too. Once she was with her friends again though, she was able to get excited and she had a great first day.

It is always really hard for me to send my children off to school. I thought that it would be a bit easier since we've already done this with Abby for the last two years, but it was still difficult. I know it is what is best for her though and I'm trying to come to terms with the idea that my whole purpose as a mother is to prepare my children to successfully navigate this world without me. But boy, do I sure miss them when they're gone!!


Rachel B. said...

It's so weird to have them gone so much! This is our first day of full day and I'm not so sure how I feel about it. Abby sure is one dang cute 2nd grader though!

Steph Thomas said...

How sad that you didn't get to take her like you all wanted. If Allison would have cried I would have followed suit so I can understand. I am glad she wasn't a new person in class and she had friends there already to help her brighten up her day.