Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Crazy 8...

Alona tagged me with this "crazy 8" thing so here's my list...

8 things I'm passionate about
8 - Having a clean house
7 - Not giving up when the going gets tough
6 - Being content with what life deals me
5 - Exercising/Running
4 - Having goals and achieving them
3 - My family
2 - My husband/Abby
1 - The Church/Heavenly Father/Jesus Christ

8 things I want to do before I die
8 - Run another marathon (non-pregnant this time!)
7 - Compete in a triathlon
6 - Visit every state in the United States
5 - Travel to China, Africa and Europe (ideally, visit every continent)
4 - Learn how to dance with my husband
3 - Own my own home
2 - Have more children
1 - Be happy!!

8 things I often say
8 - Prayers
7 - Really?
6 - So...(this one is courtesy of Jason's habit rubbing off on me)
5 - No. (This is said a lot with our crazy toddler!)
4 - Yeah.
3 - Thank you.
2 - I'm sorry.
1 - I love you.

8 books I've recently read
8 - The Big Animal Book (Abby's favorite)
7 - Uncle Tom's Cabin
6 - Harry Potter #7
5 - Twilight
4 - New Moon
3 - Eclipse
2 - Charlotte's Web
1 - The Book of Mormon

8 things I could listen to over and over
8 - My running music
7 - My husband saying "I love you"
6 - U2
5 - Phantom of the Opera soundtrack
4 - Les Miserables soundtrack
3 - Abby's giggles
2 - Abby singing "ABC, Three Blind Mice or Old McDonald's Farm"
1 - My husband singing me "my song"

8 things that attract me to my best friends
8 - Interesting
7 - They like me
6 - Principles and morals
5 - Get up and go type people
4 - They remember things I tell them
3 - Enjoy spending time with them
2 - Earn my respect/trust
1 - Easy to talk to/listen to

8 things I've learned this past year
8 - I'm a lot stronger than I ever imagined!
7 - Sometimes you have to agree to disagree
6 - Change is good!
5 - The Lord knows far better than I do what is right for me.
4 - If you want to do something, just do it!
3 - I can train for and finish a marathon!!!
2 - I can love my husband and daughter more each day
1 - Family is so very,very important so don't let the moments pass you by

1 comment:

Alona said...

Great job on the 8s! I totally agree with your #5 on the last one, that the Lord knows better what's right for you! I have to remind myself of that one often!